Tony Wilson, PhD
Patrick E. Brookhouser Endowed Chair in Cognitive Neuroscience
Director, Institute for Human Neuroscience, Boys Town National Research Hospital
Director, DICoN Laboratory, Boys Town National Research Hospital
Clinical Professor, Creighton University
Postdoctoral Fellow – Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Colorado School of Medicine-Denver (2008)
PhD – Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Minnesota–Twin Cities (2005)
BS – Psychology and Biology, Midwestern State University (2001)
Tony Wilson, PhD, currently holds the Patrick E. Brookhouser Endowed Chair in Cognitive Neuroscience at Boys Town National Research Hospital and is the Director of the Institute for Human Neuroscience, the NIH Center for Pediatric Brain Health, and the Dynamic Imaging of Cognition and Neuromodulation (DICoN) Laboratory. His laboratory uses multimodal neuroimaging to understand the brain circuitry and oscillatory dynamics that underlie cognitive processing across the lifespan and how traumatic events and lifestyle choices impact long-term human brain health.
His research interests include typical development across the lifespan and the impact of pubertal hormones, aging and health factors that can accelerate aging (e.g., severe infections such as HIV, drug and/or alcohol abuse, exposure to traumatic events, etc.), cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s and neuroHIV, and neural connectivity and computation in the healthy brain. In addition, an emerging section of the laboratory investigates how noninvasive electrical brain stimulation alters the dynamics of brain function and cognitive performance.
Dr. Wilson has published over 310 peer-reviewed manuscripts in top journals such as PNAS, Brain, Biological Psychiatry, Neurology, Psychological Medicine, Diabetes, NeuroImage, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, and many others. He currently serves as the PI or Co-PI on multiple awards from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), including awards through President Obama’s BRAIN Initiative and the NIH P20 Center for Pediatric Brain Health, and the National Science Foundation (NSF). He has also served on over 50 review panels for the NIH and the Center for Scientific Review and is a reviewer for numerous peer reviewed journals.
Publications: 310+
Dynamic Functional Mapping of Alzheimer’s Spectrum and HIV-related Brain Dysfunction (NIH R01 NS141729)
Next-Generation MEG Imaging for Quantifying Cortical-Subcortical Dynamics in the Context of HIV and Cannabis Use (NIH R01 DA059542)
Coupling of Inflammasome Cascades and Aberrant Neural Oscillatory Dynamics in NeuroHIV (NIH R01 DA059877)
Center for Pediatric Brain Health (NIH P20 GM144641)
Suppression of Pathological Spontaneous Cortical Dynamics and Inflammation in NeuroHIV (NIH R01 DA056223)
Developmental Multimodal Imaging of Neurocognitive Dynamics (Dev-MIND) (NIH R01 MH121101)
Multimodal Imaging of NeuroHIV Dynamics (MIND): An Omaha-Pittsburgh Consortium (NIH R01 MH118013)
In addition to the above awards where Dr. Wilson serves as the PI, he is also the primary mentor on the NIH Fellowship Award (F30MH134713).