IHN at NE SciFest Expo
Hundreds of community members flock to the Durham Museum and chat with students and staff of the Institute for Human Neuroscience at the Nebraska Science Festival Exposition!
IHN Opens Doors for Public Tours
The IHN opens its doors to the public to tour the facility and state-of-the-art neuroscience equipment.
Dr. Doucet Presents at Science Café for NE SciFest
Dr. Gaelle Doucet presents, “Changes of the Aging Brain” to packed house at the Slowdown in Downtown Omaha for Nebraska Science Festival’s Science Café.
Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day Celebration at IHN
March 26th the Institute for Human Neuroscience at Boys Town National Research Hospital in partnership with the Center for Human Performance Optimization at Boys Town, United Cerebral Palsy of Nebraska, and Special Olympics of Nebraska hosted the 2nd annual Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day Celebration at Boys Town in Omaha, Nebraska.