Dr. Doucet Presents at Science Café for NE SciFest
Dr. Gaelle Doucet presents, “Changes of the Aging Brain” to packed house at the Slowdown in Downtown Omaha for Nebraska Science Festival’s Science Café.
Dr. Heinrichs-Graham Receives New R21 Award
Dr. Elizabeth Heinrichs-Graham was awarded an early career R21 in April 2023 to aid in determining the impact of hearing loss and the role hearing aid use and fit on language processing in children.
Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day Celebration at IHN
March 26th the Institute for Human Neuroscience at Boys Town National Research Hospital in partnership with the Center for Human Performance Optimization at Boys Town, United Cerebral Palsy of Nebraska, and Special Olympics of Nebraska hosted the 2nd annual Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day Celebration at Boys Town in Omaha, Nebraska.
Dr. Taylor Receives New R21 Grant Award
Dr. Brittany Taylor was awarded an early career R21 grant in March of 2023 to investigate the pathways through which chronic radon exposure and toxin-induced changes in inflammation are associated with brain function, and cognitive and mental health in youth.
Dr. Doucet Receives New R03 Award
Dr. Gaelle Doucet was awarded R03 funding to construct and validate the first ever functional reference brain atlas for typically developing youth between the ages of 8-17 years.